Policy Manual
Board Clerk
Roseann Coles
(208) 459-7442 x3002
Email: colesr@notusschools.org
Fax: (208) 453-1027
Our policy manual is divided into sections with the most current board approved policies. All policies will be posted in a timely manner following board approval.
- 1000 Board of Trustees
- 2000 Instruction
- 3000 Students
- 4000 Community Relations
- 5000 Personnel
- 6000 Administration
- 7000 Financial Management
- 8000 Non-Instructional Operations
- 9000 School Facilities
1000 Board of Trustees
- 1000 Legal Status and Operation
- 1010 Organization and Classification
- 1100 Membership
- 1110 Membership
- 1110P Candidate Edification
- 1120 Taking Office
- 1120P Oath of Office
- 1130 Resignation
- 1140 Vacancies
- 1200 Annual Organizational Meeting
- 1205 School Board Powers and Duties
- 1210 Qualifications, Terms, and Duties of Board Officers
- 1220 Clerk
- 1230 Duties of the Treasurer
- 1240 Duties of Individual Trustees
- 1250 Committees
- 1260 Authorization of Signatures and Electronic Signatures
- 1300 District Policy
- 1303 Polices and Procedures to Review Annually
- 1310 Administrative Procedures
- 1313 Conflicting Policies and Procedures
- 1315 District Planning
- 1320 Management Rights
- 1400 Board/Staff Communications
- 1405 School Board Use of Email, Social Media, and District-Provided Electronic Devices
- 1410 Board/Superintendent Relationship
- 1420 Trustee Expenses
- 1430 Trustee Insurance
- 1440 Board Participation in Activities
- 1500 Board Meetings
- 1500B Board Meeting Operating Procedure
- 1500P Board Meeting Procedure
- 1510 Open Meeting Law Compliance and Cure
- 1525 Board Meeting News Coverage
- 1600 Code of Ethics for School Board Members
- 1645 Board Development Opportunities
- 1610 Conflict of Interest
- 1615 Trustee Spouse Employment
- 1620 Annual Goals and Objectives
- 1630 Evaluation of Board
- 1640 In-Service Conference for Trustees
- 1650 New Board Member Workshop
1000 Legal Status and Operation
1010 Organization and Classification
1100 Membership
1110 Membership
1110P Candidate Edification
1120 Taking Office
1120P Oath of Office
1130 Resignation
1140 Vacancies
1200 Annual Organizational Meeting
1205 School Board Powers and Duties
1210 Qualifications, Terms, and Duties of Board Officers
1220 Clerk
1230 Duties of the Treasurer
1240 Duties of Individual Trustees
1250 Committees
1260 Authorization of Signatures and Electronic Signatures
1300 District Policy
1303 Polices and Procedures to Review Annually
1310 Administrative Procedures
1313 Conflicting Policies and Procedures
1315 District Planning
1320 Management Rights
1400 Board/Staff Communications
1405 School Board Use of Email, Social Media, and District-Provided Electronic Devices
1410 Board/Superintendent Relationship
1420 Trustee Expenses
1430 Trustee Insurance
1440 Board Participation in Activities
1500 Board Meetings
1500B Board Meeting Operating Procedure
1500P Board Meeting Procedure
1510 Open Meeting Law Compliance and Cure
1525 Board Meeting News Coverage
1600 Code of Ethics for School Board Members
1645 Board Development Opportunities
1610 Conflict of Interest
1615 Trustee Spouse Employment
1620 Annual Goals and Objectives
1630 Evaluation of Board
1640 In-Service Conference for Trustees
1650 New Board Member Workshop
2000 Instruction
- 2000 Goals
- 2100 Curriculum Development and Assessment
- 2110 Lesson Plan
- 2110C Lesson Plan - Remote Instruction
- 2120 Program Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests
- 2130 Research Studies
- 2140 Student and Family Privacy Rights
- 2140F Student and Family Privacy Rights - Consent Form
- 2150 Copyright
- 2150P Copyright Compliance
- 2200 School Year, Calendar, Instructional Hours
- 2210 School Closure
- 2210P1 School Closure Procedure
- 2210PC Health Emergency Related School Closure
- 2220 Pre-Kindergarten Programs
- 2230 Grade Organization
- 2240 Class Size
- 2300 Guidance and Counseling
- 2303 Required Elementary Instruction Offerings
- 2305 Nutrition Services
- 2307 Physical Activity Opportunities and Physical Education
- 2310 Nutrition Education
- 2320 Health Enhancement Education
- 2325 Driver Training Education
- 2330 Community and Adult Education
- 2340 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom
- 2345 Speakers in the Classroom and at School Functions
- 2345P Controversial Speakers Procedure
- 2350 Student Religious Activity at School
- 2355 Release Time
- 2360 Interscholastic Activities
- 2370 Homebound, Hospital, and Home Instruction
- 2370P Homebound, Hospital, and Home Instruction Procedure
- 2375 Service Animals in Schools
- 2380 Elementary and Secondary Education Act Waiver
- 2385 English Learners Program
- 2390 Limited English Proficiency Program
- 2395 Idaho Digital Learning Academy Classes
- 2410 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- 2410P Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Section 504") Procedure
- 2415 Supporting Students with Characterisitcs of Dyslexia
- 2420 Parent and Family Engagement
- 2420P Title I Parent Involvement
- 2425 Parental Rights
- 2425F Efforts to Notify Parent/Guardian of Changes in Student Health or Well-being
- 2425P Parent/Guardian Notification of Changes in Health and Well-being Procedure
- 2430 Gifted and Talented Program
- 2435 Advanced Opportunities
- 2440 Alternative Credit Options
- 2450 Contracted Student Services
- 2460 Extended Learning Opportunities
- 2500 Library Materials
- 2500F Permission Slip to Check Out Restricted Access Library Materials
- 2510 Selection of Library Materials
- 2510P Selection of Library Materials Procedure
- 2520 Curricular Materials
- 2530 Learning Materials Review & Reconsideration
- 2530F Request for Review & Reconsideration of Learning Materials
- 2540 Selection, Adoption, and Removal of Curricular Materials
- 2550 Field Trips, Excursions and Outdoor Education
- 2550F1 Extended Field Trip Request Form
- 2550F2 Extended Field Trip Liability Form
- 2550F3 General Field Trip Request Form
- 2550F4 General Field Trip Permission Form
- 2550P1 Extended Field Trip Procedure
- 2550P2 General Field Trip Guidelines
- 2560 Contests for Students
- 2570 Use of Commercially Produced Video Recordings
- 2570F Parental Movie Opt-Out/Consent Form
- 2600 Promotion/Retention
- 2605 Advancement Requirements (Grades 6 through 9)
- 2610 Advancement Requirements (9-12)
- 2620 Grading and Progress Reports
- 2622 Credit by Examination
- 2625 Parent-Teacher Conferences
- 2630 Homework
- 2700 High School Graduation Requirements
- 2700P High School Graduation Requirement Procedure
- 2710 Alternative Measure to the Idaho Standards Achievement Tests
- 2720 Participation in Commencement Exercises
- 2800 Objectives
2000 Goals
2100 Curriculum Development and Assessment
2110 Lesson Plan
2110C Lesson Plan - Remote Instruction
2120 Program Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests
2130 Research Studies
2140 Student and Family Privacy Rights
2140F Student and Family Privacy Rights - Consent Form
2150 Copyright
2150P Copyright Compliance
2200 School Year, Calendar, Instructional Hours
2210 School Closure
2210P1 School Closure Procedure
2210PC Health Emergency Related School Closure
2220 Pre-Kindergarten Programs
2230 Grade Organization
2240 Class Size
2300 Guidance and Counseling
2303 Required Elementary Instruction Offerings
2305 Nutrition Services
2307 Physical Activity Opportunities and Physical Education
2310 Nutrition Education
2320 Health Enhancement Education
2325 Driver Training Education
2330 Community and Adult Education
2340 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom
2345 Speakers in the Classroom and at School Functions
2345P Controversial Speakers Procedure
2350 Student Religious Activity at School
2355 Release Time
2360 Interscholastic Activities
2370 Homebound, Hospital, and Home Instruction
2370P Homebound, Hospital, and Home Instruction Procedure
2375 Service Animals in Schools
2380 Elementary and Secondary Education Act Waiver
2385 English Learners Program
2390 Limited English Proficiency Program
2395 Idaho Digital Learning Academy Classes
2410 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
2410P Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Section 504") Procedure
2415 Supporting Students with Characterisitcs of Dyslexia
2420 Parent and Family Engagement
2420P Title I Parent Involvement
2425 Parental Rights
2425F Efforts to Notify Parent/Guardian of Changes in Student Health or Well-being
2425P Parent/Guardian Notification of Changes in Health and Well-being Procedure
2430 Gifted and Talented Program
2435 Advanced Opportunities
2440 Alternative Credit Options
2450 Contracted Student Services
2460 Extended Learning Opportunities
2500 Library Materials
2500F Permission Slip to Check Out Restricted Access Library Materials
2510 Selection of Library Materials
2510P Selection of Library Materials Procedure
2520 Curricular Materials
2530 Learning Materials Review & Reconsideration
2530F Request for Review & Reconsideration of Learning Materials
2540 Selection, Adoption, and Removal of Curricular Materials
2550 Field Trips, Excursions and Outdoor Education
2550F1 Extended Field Trip Request Form
2550F2 Extended Field Trip Liability Form
2550F3 General Field Trip Request Form
2550F4 General Field Trip Permission Form
2550P1 Extended Field Trip Procedure
2550P2 General Field Trip Guidelines
2560 Contests for Students
2570 Use of Commercially Produced Video Recordings
2570F Parental Movie Opt-Out/Consent Form
2600 Promotion/Retention
2605 Advancement Requirements (Grades 6 through 9)
2610 Advancement Requirements (9-12)
2620 Grading and Progress Reports
2622 Credit by Examination
2625 Parent-Teacher Conferences
2630 Homework
2700 High School Graduation Requirements
2700P High School Graduation Requirement Procedure
2710 Alternative Measure to the Idaho Standards Achievement Tests
2720 Participation in Commencement Exercises
2800 Objectives
3000 Students
- 3000 Entrance, Placement, and Transfer
- 3010 Open Enrollment
- 3010F Open Enrollment Application - English
- 3010F Open Enrollment Application - Spanish
- 3010PA1 Open Enrollment Procedure
- 3020 Enrollment and Attendance Records
- 3020P Enrollment and Attendance Records Procedure
- 3030 Part-Time Attendance/Dual Enrollment
- 3031 Extracurricular Activities - Eligibility for Students not Enrolled for Academic Activities
- 3040 Compulsory Attendance
- 3040F1 Compulsory Attendance Form - County Prosecutor's Office
- 3040F2 School Truancy Referral Form
- 3050 Attendance Policy
- 3060 Education of Homeless Children
- 3070 Students of Legal Age
- 3080 Attendance by Out of State Students
- 3085 Title IX Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation
- 3085F1 Title IX Notice of Investigation and Allegation Template
- 3085F2 Title IX Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form for Students
- 3085P Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure, Requirements, Definitions
- 3090 Foreign Exchange Students
- 3090P Foreign Exchange Students Procedure
- 3100 Programs for At-Risk/Disadvantaged Students
- 3200 Student Rights and Responsibilities
- 3220 Student Use of Buildings: Equal Access
- 3225 Student Clubs: Equal Access
- 3225B Student Clubs - Background
- 3225F Student Clubs Risk Management Plan
- 3230 Student Government
- 3240 Student Publications
- 3250 Distribution and Posting of Materials
- 3255 Student Dress
- 3265 Electronic Communication Devices (including recording devices)
- 3270 District Provided Access to Electronic Information Services and Networks
- 3270F Internet Access Conduct Agreement
- 3270F1 Chromebook Program Device Agreement
- 3270P Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks
- 3275 District Provided Mobile Computing Devices - Students Allowed to Take Devices Home
- 3280 Equal Education, Non-discrimination, and Sex Equity
- 3285 Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
- 3290 Sexual Harassment/Intimidation of Students
- 3290F Harassment Reporting Form for Students
- 3295 Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Menacing
- 3295F Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Menacing Complaint Form
- 3295P Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Menacing Procedure
- 3296 Bullying Awareness Week
- 3300 Drug Free School Zone
- 3305 Prohibition of Tobacco Possession and Use
- 3310 Gangs and Gang Activity
- 3320 Substance and Alcohol Abuse
- 3330 Student Discipliine
- 3335 Academic Honesty
- 3340 Corrective Actions and Punishment
- 3340P Corrective Actions and Punishment Procedures
- 3345 Restraint and Seclusion
- 3350 Detention
- 3365 Student Sex Offenders
- 3370 Searches and Seizure
- 3370P Searches and Seizure Procedure
- 3380 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Participation Policy
- 3380P Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Participation Procedure
- 3390 Extra- and Co-Curricular Chemical Use Policy
- 3410 School Sponsored Student Activities
- 3420 Student Fund Raising Activities
- 3430 Distribution of Fund Drive Literature Through Students
- 3440 Student Fees, Fines, and Charges/Return of Property
- 3450 Student Vehicle Parking
- 3450F Student Vehicle Parking Application
- 3460 School-Related Foreign Travel by Students
- 3500 Student Health/Physical Screening/Examinations
- 3500F Notice of Health Services
- 3505 Concussion Guidelines
- 3505F1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Concussion Guidelines
- 3505F2 Authorization to Return to Play or Participate in Student Sports
- 3510 Student Medicines - Assistance in Self-Administration of Medicines by Students
- 3510F1 Authorization for Self-Administered Medication
- 3510F2 Indemnification/Hold Harmless Agreement for Self-Administration of Medication
- 3520 Contagious or Infectious Diseases
- 3525 Immunization Requirements
- 3530 Suicide
- 3540 Emergency Treatment
- 3545 Student Interviews, Interrogations, or Arrests
- 3550 Removal of Student During School Hours
- 3550P Removal of Student During School Day Procedure
- 3560 Video Surveillance
- 3565 Termination of Driving Privileges
- 3570 Student Records
- 3570F Notification to Parents and Students of Rights Concerning a Student's School Records
- 3570P Maintenance of School Student Records
- 3575 Student Data Privacy and Security
- 3580 Relations with Non-custodial Parents
- 3610 Records of Missing Children
- 3620 Transfer of Student Records
- 3630 Late Work Policy
- 3640 Meal Charging Policy
- 3297 Names, Pronouns, and Titles
3000 Entrance, Placement, and Transfer
3010 Open Enrollment
3010F Open Enrollment Application - English
3010F Open Enrollment Application - Spanish
3010PA1 Open Enrollment Procedure
3020 Enrollment and Attendance Records
3020P Enrollment and Attendance Records Procedure
3030 Part-Time Attendance/Dual Enrollment
3031 Extracurricular Activities - Eligibility for Students not Enrolled for Academic Activities
3040 Compulsory Attendance
3040F1 Compulsory Attendance Form - County Prosecutor's Office
3040F2 School Truancy Referral Form
3050 Attendance Policy
3060 Education of Homeless Children
3070 Students of Legal Age
3080 Attendance by Out of State Students
3085 Title IX Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation
3085F1 Title IX Notice of Investigation and Allegation Template
3085F2 Title IX Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form for Students
3085P Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure, Requirements, Definitions
3090 Foreign Exchange Students
3090P Foreign Exchange Students Procedure
3100 Programs for At-Risk/Disadvantaged Students
3200 Student Rights and Responsibilities
3220 Student Use of Buildings: Equal Access
3225 Student Clubs: Equal Access
3225B Student Clubs - Background
3225F Student Clubs Risk Management Plan
3230 Student Government
3240 Student Publications
3250 Distribution and Posting of Materials
3255 Student Dress
3265 Electronic Communication Devices (including recording devices)
3270 District Provided Access to Electronic Information Services and Networks
3270F Internet Access Conduct Agreement
3270F1 Chromebook Program Device Agreement
3270P Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks
3275 District Provided Mobile Computing Devices - Students Allowed to Take Devices Home
3280 Equal Education, Non-discrimination, and Sex Equity
3285 Relationship Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response
3290 Sexual Harassment/Intimidation of Students
3290F Harassment Reporting Form for Students
3295 Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Menacing
3295F Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Menacing Complaint Form
3295P Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Menacing Procedure
3296 Bullying Awareness Week
3300 Drug Free School Zone
3305 Prohibition of Tobacco Possession and Use
3310 Gangs and Gang Activity
3320 Substance and Alcohol Abuse
3330 Student Discipliine
3335 Academic Honesty
3340 Corrective Actions and Punishment
3340P Corrective Actions and Punishment Procedures
3345 Restraint and Seclusion
3350 Detention
3365 Student Sex Offenders
3370 Searches and Seizure
3370P Searches and Seizure Procedure
3380 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Participation Policy
3380P Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Participation Procedure
3390 Extra- and Co-Curricular Chemical Use Policy
3410 School Sponsored Student Activities
3420 Student Fund Raising Activities
3430 Distribution of Fund Drive Literature Through Students
3440 Student Fees, Fines, and Charges/Return of Property
3450 Student Vehicle Parking
3450F Student Vehicle Parking Application
3460 School-Related Foreign Travel by Students
3500 Student Health/Physical Screening/Examinations
3500F Notice of Health Services
3505 Concussion Guidelines
3505F1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Concussion Guidelines
3505F2 Authorization to Return to Play or Participate in Student Sports
3510 Student Medicines - Assistance in Self-Administration of Medicines by Students
3510F1 Authorization for Self-Administered Medication
3510F2 Indemnification/Hold Harmless Agreement for Self-Administration of Medication
3520 Contagious or Infectious Diseases
3525 Immunization Requirements
3530 Suicide
3540 Emergency Treatment
3545 Student Interviews, Interrogations, or Arrests
3550 Removal of Student During School Hours
3550P Removal of Student During School Day Procedure
3560 Video Surveillance
3565 Termination of Driving Privileges
3570 Student Records
3570F Notification to Parents and Students of Rights Concerning a Student's School Records
3570P Maintenance of School Student Records
3575 Student Data Privacy and Security
3580 Relations with Non-custodial Parents
3610 Records of Missing Children
3620 Transfer of Student Records
3630 Late Work Policy
3640 Meal Charging Policy
3297 Names, Pronouns, and Titles
4000 Community Relations
- 4000 Goals
- 4100 Public Relations
- 4105 Public Participation in Board Meeting
- 4105F Request to Address the Board
- 4110 Public Complaints and Suggestions
- 4120 Uniform Grievance Procedure
- 4120F District Complaint Form
- 4130 Public Access to District Records
- 4130F District Record Request
- 4140 Visitors to the School
- 4150 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
- 4160 Parents' Right-to-Know Notices
- 4180 Community Involvement in Student Nutrition and Exercise
- 4200 School-Support Organizations
- 4210 Community Use of School Facilities
- 4210F Application and Agreement for Use of School Facilities
- 4210F2 Hold Harmless Agreement for Use of District Facilities
- 4210P Community Use of School Facilities Procedure
- 4225 Equipment Usage
- 4230 Use of School Property for Posting Notices
- 4240 Distribution of Fund Drive Literature Through Students
- 4260 Records Available to the Public
- 4260F District Records Request Form
- 4300 Conduct on School Property
- 4310 Contact with Students
- 4320 Disruption of School Operations
- 4325 Abuse of School Personnel
- 4330 Spectator Conduct and Sportsmanship for Athletic and Co-Curricular Events
- 4340 Spectator Attendance at Activity Practice and Events
- 4400 Relations with Law Enforcement and Child Protection Agencies
- 4410 Investigations and Arrest by Police
- 4420 Visits to District Property by Sex Offenders
- 4420F1 Letter to Parents Regarding Visits to School by Convicted Sex Offenders
- 4500 Public Gifts/Donations to the School
- 4500R Public Gifts/Donations to the School - Regulations
- 4510 Public Gifts to the Schools: Donations of Material/Equipment Affecting Building Structure or Maintenance
- 4520 Soliciting and Accepting Grants or Donations
- 4600 Volunteer Assistance
- 4600F1 Volunteer Application
- 4600F2 Volunteer Criminal History Records/Fingerprint Check Request
- 4600F3 Volunteer Guidelines and Expectations
- 4600F4 Criminal History Record Check
- 4600 Volunteer Assistance Procedures
4000 Goals
4100 Public Relations
4105 Public Participation in Board Meeting
4105F Request to Address the Board
4110 Public Complaints and Suggestions
4120 Uniform Grievance Procedure
4120F District Complaint Form
4130 Public Access to District Records
4130F District Record Request
4140 Visitors to the School
4150 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
4160 Parents' Right-to-Know Notices
4180 Community Involvement in Student Nutrition and Exercise
4200 School-Support Organizations
4210 Community Use of School Facilities
4210F Application and Agreement for Use of School Facilities
4210F2 Hold Harmless Agreement for Use of District Facilities
4210P Community Use of School Facilities Procedure
4225 Equipment Usage
4230 Use of School Property for Posting Notices
4240 Distribution of Fund Drive Literature Through Students
4260 Records Available to the Public
4260F District Records Request Form
4300 Conduct on School Property
4310 Contact with Students
4320 Disruption of School Operations
4325 Abuse of School Personnel
4330 Spectator Conduct and Sportsmanship for Athletic and Co-Curricular Events
4340 Spectator Attendance at Activity Practice and Events
4400 Relations with Law Enforcement and Child Protection Agencies
4410 Investigations and Arrest by Police
4420 Visits to District Property by Sex Offenders
4420F1 Letter to Parents Regarding Visits to School by Convicted Sex Offenders
4500 Public Gifts/Donations to the School
4500R Public Gifts/Donations to the School - Regulations
4510 Public Gifts to the Schools: Donations of Material/Equipment Affecting Building Structure or Maintenance
4520 Soliciting and Accepting Grants or Donations
4600 Volunteer Assistance
4600F1 Volunteer Application
4600F2 Volunteer Criminal History Records/Fingerprint Check Request
4600F3 Volunteer Guidelines and Expectations
4600F4 Criminal History Record Check
4600 Volunteer Assistance Procedures
5000 Personnel
- 5000 Board Goal - Personnel
- 5100 Hiring Process and Criteria
- 5100F1 Authorization for Release of Information
- 5100F2 Request to Employer
- 5100F3 Request for Verification of Certificate
- 5105 Certificated Personnel Reemployment
- 5107 Informal Review
- 5110 Criminal History Background Check
- 5120 Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
- 5125 Reporting New Employees
- 5200 Applicability of Personnel Policies
- 5205 Job Descriptions
- 5210 Work Day
- 5220 Assignment, Reassignment, and Transfers
- 5230 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
- 5240 Sexual Harassment/Sexual Intimidation in the Workplace
- 5240F Sexual Harassment/Intimidation in the Workplace Policy Acknowledgement
- 5250 Certificated Staff Grievances
- 5260 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
- 5260F Report of Suspected Child Abuse, Abandonment, or Neglect
- 5265 Employee Responsibilities Regarding Student Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
- 5270 Personal Conduct
- 5280 Code of Ethics
- 5285 Solicitations
- 5300 Political Activity Staff Participation
- 5310 Tobacco Free
- 5320 Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace
- 5320F Drug and Alcohol Abuse Testing Acknowledgement
- 5320P Drug and Alcohol Abuse Testing Program and Procedures
- 5325 Employee Use of Social Media Sites, Including Personal Sites
- 5325P Recommended Practices of Use of Social Media Sites, Including Personal Sites
- 5330 Employee Electronic Mail and On-Line Services Usage
- 5330F Computer Use Agreement
- 5335 Employee Use of Electronic Communication Devices
- 5340 Evaluation of Certificated Personnel
- 5360 Dress and Appearance
- 5370 Non-School Employment by Professional Staff Member
- 5400 Leaves of Absence
- 5410 Family and Medical Leave
- 5410P Family and Medical Leave Procedure
- 5412 Jury Duty
- 5413 Witness for Court Appearance Leave
- 5420 Long-Term Illness/Temporary Disability
- 5420P Long-Term Illness/Temporary Disability Procedure
- 5430 Insurance Benefits for Employees, Trustees
- 5440 School Holidays
- 5450 Vacation Leave
- 5460 Workers' Compensation Benefits
- 5470 Leaves of Absence - Military Leave
- 5490P Tuition Reimbursement Procedures
- 5500 Personnel Files
- 5500F2 Request to Employer
- 5500P Procedures for Releasing Personnel Records to Hiring School Districts
- 5600 Staff Health
- 5610 Prevention of Disease Transmission
- 5700 Substitutes
- 5710 Teachers' Aides/Paraprofessionals
- 5720 Volunteers/Contractors
- 5725 Private Service Providers/Consultants
- 5730 Volunteer Authorization to Release Information
- 5740 Reduction in Force
- 5740P Reduction in Force Procedure
- 5740PA2F RIF Alternate Procedure 2 Form
- 5750 Employing Retired Teachers and Administrators
- 5800 Classified Employment, Assignment, and Grievance
- 5800P Classified Employment, Assignment, and Grievance Procedure
- 5810 Compensatory Time and Overtime Classified Employees
- 5815 Employee Compensation Non-Annualized Election
- 5820 Evaluation of Non-Certified Staff
- 5830 Drug and Alcohol Testing for Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
- 5830P Drug and Alcohol Testing for Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers Procedures
5000 Board Goal - Personnel
5100 Hiring Process and Criteria
5100F1 Authorization for Release of Information
5100F2 Request to Employer
5100F3 Request for Verification of Certificate
5105 Certificated Personnel Reemployment
5107 Informal Review
5110 Criminal History Background Check
5120 Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
5125 Reporting New Employees
5200 Applicability of Personnel Policies
5205 Job Descriptions
5210 Work Day
5220 Assignment, Reassignment, and Transfers
5230 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
5240 Sexual Harassment/Sexual Intimidation in the Workplace
5240F Sexual Harassment/Intimidation in the Workplace Policy Acknowledgement
5250 Certificated Staff Grievances
5260 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
5260F Report of Suspected Child Abuse, Abandonment, or Neglect
5265 Employee Responsibilities Regarding Student Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
5270 Personal Conduct
5280 Code of Ethics
5285 Solicitations
5300 Political Activity Staff Participation
5310 Tobacco Free
5320 Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace
5320F Drug and Alcohol Abuse Testing Acknowledgement
5320P Drug and Alcohol Abuse Testing Program and Procedures
5325 Employee Use of Social Media Sites, Including Personal Sites
5325P Recommended Practices of Use of Social Media Sites, Including Personal Sites
5330 Employee Electronic Mail and On-Line Services Usage
5330F Computer Use Agreement
5335 Employee Use of Electronic Communication Devices
5340 Evaluation of Certificated Personnel
5360 Dress and Appearance
5370 Non-School Employment by Professional Staff Member
5400 Leaves of Absence
5410 Family and Medical Leave
5410P Family and Medical Leave Procedure
5412 Jury Duty
5413 Witness for Court Appearance Leave
5420 Long-Term Illness/Temporary Disability
5420P Long-Term Illness/Temporary Disability Procedure
5430 Insurance Benefits for Employees, Trustees
5440 School Holidays
5450 Vacation Leave
5460 Workers' Compensation Benefits
5470 Leaves of Absence - Military Leave
5490P Tuition Reimbursement Procedures
5500 Personnel Files
5500F2 Request to Employer
5500P Procedures for Releasing Personnel Records to Hiring School Districts
5600 Staff Health
5610 Prevention of Disease Transmission
5700 Substitutes
5710 Teachers' Aides/Paraprofessionals
5720 Volunteers/Contractors
5725 Private Service Providers/Consultants
5730 Volunteer Authorization to Release Information
5740 Reduction in Force
5740P Reduction in Force Procedure
5740PA2F RIF Alternate Procedure 2 Form
5750 Employing Retired Teachers and Administrators
5800 Classified Employment, Assignment, and Grievance
5800P Classified Employment, Assignment, and Grievance Procedure
5810 Compensatory Time and Overtime Classified Employees
5815 Employee Compensation Non-Annualized Election
5820 Evaluation of Non-Certified Staff
5830 Drug and Alcohol Testing for Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
5830P Drug and Alcohol Testing for Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers Procedures
6000 Administration
- 6000 Goals
- 6100 Superintendent
- 6100P Board/Superintendent Relations
- 6200 District Organization
- 6200P District Organizational Chart
- 6300 Duties and Qualifications of Administrative Staff Other Than Superintendent
- 6310 Employment Restrictions for Administrative Personnel
- 6320 Evaluation of Administrative Staff
- 6330 Professional Growth and Development
- 6400 Principals
6000 Goals
6100 Superintendent
6100P Board/Superintendent Relations
6200 District Organization
6200P District Organizational Chart
6300 Duties and Qualifications of Administrative Staff Other Than Superintendent
6310 Employment Restrictions for Administrative Personnel
6320 Evaluation of Administrative Staff
6330 Professional Growth and Development
6400 Principals
7000 Financial Management
- 7000 Goals
- 7100 Budget and Program Planning
- 7110 Budget Implementation and Execution
- 7120 Budget Adjustments
- 7200 Accounting System Design
- 7210 GASB Statement 34 (Accounting System)
- 7218 Federal Grant Financial Management System
- 7220 Documentation and Approval of Claims
- 7225 District Financial Fraud and Theft Prevention
- 7230 Financial Reporting and Audits
- 7235 Fiscal Accountability and IDEA Part B Funds
- 7235F1 Federal Funds Semi-Annual Certification Form
- 7235F2 Personnel Activity Report
- 7235F3 Multiple Cost Objective Time and Effort Certification
- 7235P Written Compensation Procedure (Time and Effort)
- 7237 Retention of Records Relating to Federal Grants
- 7240 Federal Impact Funds
- 7240B Federal Impact Funds (Background)
- 7240P Federal Impact Funds Procedure
- 7250 Fund Accounting System
- 7260 Student Activity Fund
- 7270 Property Records
- 7300 Revenues
- 7305 Investment of Funds
- 7310 Advertising in Schools/Revenue Enhancement
- 7320 Allowable Uses for Grant Funds
- 7320P1 Determining Necessity and Reasonableness of Expenses
- 7320P2 Selected Items of Cost
- 7400 Procurement Management System
- 7400P1 Procurement Under a Federal Award
- 7400P2 Procurement Methods Under a Federal Award
- 7400P3 Requirements and Restrictions for Procurement Under a Federal Award
- 7400P4 Federal Contract Administration
- 7405 Public Works Contracting and Procurement
- 7407 Public Procurement of Goods and Services
- 7420 Personal Reimbursements
- 7430 Travel Allowances and Expenses
- 7440 District Credit Cards
- 7450 Federal Cash Management Policy
- 7450P1 Timely Obligation of Funds
- 7450P2 Program Income
- 7500 New Fees or Increase of Fees
- 7600 Declaration of Financial Emergency
- 7600F Declaration of Financial Emergency Resolution
- 7600P Declaration of Financial Emergency Process
7000 Goals
7100 Budget and Program Planning
7110 Budget Implementation and Execution
7120 Budget Adjustments
7200 Accounting System Design
7210 GASB Statement 34 (Accounting System)
7218 Federal Grant Financial Management System
7220 Documentation and Approval of Claims
7225 District Financial Fraud and Theft Prevention
7230 Financial Reporting and Audits
7235 Fiscal Accountability and IDEA Part B Funds
7235F1 Federal Funds Semi-Annual Certification Form
7235F2 Personnel Activity Report
7235F3 Multiple Cost Objective Time and Effort Certification
7235P Written Compensation Procedure (Time and Effort)
7237 Retention of Records Relating to Federal Grants
7240 Federal Impact Funds
7240B Federal Impact Funds (Background)
7240P Federal Impact Funds Procedure
7250 Fund Accounting System
7260 Student Activity Fund
7270 Property Records
7300 Revenues
7305 Investment of Funds
7310 Advertising in Schools/Revenue Enhancement
7320 Allowable Uses for Grant Funds
7320P1 Determining Necessity and Reasonableness of Expenses
7320P2 Selected Items of Cost
7400 Procurement Management System
7400P1 Procurement Under a Federal Award
7400P2 Procurement Methods Under a Federal Award
7400P3 Requirements and Restrictions for Procurement Under a Federal Award
7400P4 Federal Contract Administration
7405 Public Works Contracting and Procurement
7407 Public Procurement of Goods and Services
7420 Personal Reimbursements
7430 Travel Allowances and Expenses
7440 District Credit Cards
7450 Federal Cash Management Policy
7450P1 Timely Obligation of Funds
7450P2 Program Income
7500 New Fees or Increase of Fees
7600 Declaration of Financial Emergency
7600F Declaration of Financial Emergency Resolution
7600P Declaration of Financial Emergency Process
8000 Non-Instructional Operations
- 8000 Goals
- 8100 Transportation
- 8105F COSSA Transportation
- 8105F Extra Curricular Transportation Liability Waiver
- 8110 Safety Busing
- 8115 Maximum Drive Time
- 8120 Bus Routes, Stops, and Non-Transportation Zones
- 8130 Transportation of Students with Disabilities
- 8140 Student Conduct on Buses
- 8150 Unauthorized School Bus Entry
- 8160 Contracting for Transportation Services
- 8170 District-Owned Vehicles
- 8170P District Owned Vehicles Procedure
- 8180 Driver Training and Responsibility
- 8185 Use of Wireless Communication Devices by Bus Drivers
- 8190 Emergencies Involving Transportation Vehicles
- 8195 District Vehicle Idling
- 8200 Healthy Lifestyles
- 8205 District Wellness Policy
- 8210 District Nutrition Committee
- 8220 Food Services
- 8230 District Nutrition Standards
- 8235 Water Consumption/Water Bottle Policy
- 8240 School Meals
- 8250 Guidelines for Food and Beverages Sales
- 8300 Emergency & Disaster Preparedness
- 8320 Fire Drills and Evacuation Plans
- 8400 Activity Trips
- 8500 Risk Management
- 8510 District Safety
- 8520 Inspection of School Facilities
- 8530 Property Damage
- 8600 Records Management
- 8605 Retention of District Records
- 8610 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- 8700 Computer Software
8000 Goals
8100 Transportation
8105F COSSA Transportation
8105F Extra Curricular Transportation Liability Waiver
8110 Safety Busing
8115 Maximum Drive Time
8120 Bus Routes, Stops, and Non-Transportation Zones
8130 Transportation of Students with Disabilities
8140 Student Conduct on Buses
8150 Unauthorized School Bus Entry
8160 Contracting for Transportation Services
8170 District-Owned Vehicles
8170P District Owned Vehicles Procedure
8180 Driver Training and Responsibility
8185 Use of Wireless Communication Devices by Bus Drivers
8190 Emergencies Involving Transportation Vehicles
8195 District Vehicle Idling
8200 Healthy Lifestyles
8205 District Wellness Policy
8210 District Nutrition Committee
8220 Food Services
8230 District Nutrition Standards
8235 Water Consumption/Water Bottle Policy
8240 School Meals
8250 Guidelines for Food and Beverages Sales
8300 Emergency & Disaster Preparedness
8320 Fire Drills and Evacuation Plans
8400 Activity Trips
8500 Risk Management
8510 District Safety
8520 Inspection of School Facilities
8530 Property Damage
8600 Records Management
8605 Retention of District Records
8610 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
8700 Computer Software
9000 School Facilities
- 9000 Goals
- 9100 Use and Disposal of School Property
- 9200 Contractor License, Surety Bonds and Insurance
- 9300 Operation and Maintenance of District Facilities
- 9400 Safety Program
- 9500 Security
- 9550 Cybersecurity and Data Breach Response
- 9600 Facilities Operations
- 9605 Facilities Separated by Sex
- 9610 Waste Management and Recycling
- 9700 District-Wide Asbestos Program
- 9705 Hazard Mitigation - Chemistry Lab Disposal
- 9800 Naming of School Facilities
- 9802 Display of National Motto
- 9805 Memorials on School Grounds